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Project Status Report Template Excel Free Download UPDATED

Project Status Report Template Excel Free Download

In this article, you'll find a comprehensive list of projection written report templates to back up your project management efforts. These pre-built templates are free to download in a variety of formats, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, and Google Docs.

Included on this page, y'all'll find many free, downloadable templates for your next project, including a projection status report template, a daily project progress report template, a business organization projection report template, and many more than.

Project Status Written report Template

Project Status Report Template

Download Projection Condition Report Template

Word | PowerPoint | Smartsheet

Consequent and thorough condition reporting is an essential component of constructive projection direction. Ensure you come across projection objectives by utilizing this customizable project condition written report template. This template provides space to summarize the project and track risks, roadblocks, milestones, accomplishments, and key takeaways. It also includes a visual project timeline to requite yous easy visibility into major project events.

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One-Page Project Status Report Template

One Page Project Status Report Template

Download I-Page Project Status Report Template

Word | PDF | Smartsheet

This template covers all the primary elements of the project status report in a convenient ane-page format. The pre-built status report provides an overview of project status by category (i.e., upkeep, scope, etc.), project timeline, key risks and problems, likewise as issue ownership to ensure that yous account for and complete all projection action items on schedule. Learn how to create an constructive project condition report in this article.

Project Report Dashboard Template

Project Report Dashboard Template

Download Project Report Dashboard Template - Excel

Having a clear visual of a project'south high-level metrics and overall functioning enables a project managing director to identify and home in on problem areas that need further attention. Download this projection report dashboard template to track the status of fundamental components of a project, including tasks, costs, and pending action items. This template also helps you support the decisions you make for future projection initiatives. Check out this commodity to find more gratis Excel dashboard templates for all of your business concern needs.

Daily Project Progress Written report Template

Daily Project Progress Report Template

Download Daily Project Progress Study Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Provide stakeholders with insight into a projection's daily development using this progress report template. This template provides space to outline progression details, work completed, equipment used, workers on site, task locations, delays, incidents, and more than. This report allows you to compare action progress with the project plan to effectively maintain governance.

Performance Project Report Template

Performance Project Report Template

Download Operation Project Written report Template

Excel | Discussion | PDF

Communicate the performance of key project elements using this customizable project operation written report template. Item key activities, deadlines, piece of work quality, risks, budgeting performance, and more than to ensure you carry out major project deliverables on schedule and co-ordinate to plan.

Projection Summary Report Template

Project Summary Report Template

Download Project Summary Report Template

Discussion | PDF

Effective project management requires that y'all keep lines of communication open (between the team and client) and ensure that the information you nowadays is authentic and upwards to date. Provide all stakeholders with the current condition of cardinal projects, milestones, steering committee escalations, progress, and upcoming events using this pre-built project summary report template.

Weekly Project Status Report Template

Download Weekly Projection Status Report Template

Excel | Word | Smartsheet

This customizable project condition written report template provides a snapshot of a project's health on any given week. Track overall project functioning and the condition of each project component, including budget, resources, telescopic, milestones, work accomplished, roadblocks, highlights, and more. This template also comes with a pre-built visual timeline to display major project details at a glance.

Monthly Project Condition Report Template

Monthly Project Status Report Template

 Download Monthly Project Status Report Template

Excel | Word

This projection condition report template captures the status of cardinal projection elements at a monthly view. Use this downloadable template to track notable project components that are complete, in progress, on hold, or at take chances and outline deadlines and details for upcoming work.

Stoplight Project Status Study Template

Stoplight Project Status Report Template

Download Stoplight Project Status Study Template

Excel | Word | Smartsheet

Stoplight project status reports are an effective mode to visualize project items that require immediate attention and boosted planning. Employ the stoplight key to ascertain the parameters of what constitutes a red, yellow, or greenish status and ensure that the customer and team members are on the same page regarding these conditions. This template will help keep the process streamlined.

Concern Project Report Template

Business Project Report Template

Download Business Project Written report Template

Word | Google Docs

A business project report is a detailed document that serves as a roadmap for a proposed project or business venture. This business project study template provides a solid basis to expand upon according to your needs. Information technology includes space for a table of contents, an executive summary, cardinal project activities, a marketing analysis, a SWOT analysis, recommendations, appendices, and more than.

Information technology Project Status Report Template

IT Project Status Report Template

Download Information technology Project Condition Report Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Information technology project management and operations can be complex and involve many moving parts. Between balancing the upkeep, making adjustments mid-projection, and meeting the needs of project stakeholders, this pre-built IT project status study template volition help ensure that you track and account for all the fundamental components of your project. This template provides room for project milestones, open and closed issues, modify requests, resource evaluation, and the current status of all major project categories. Larn the essential tips for successful Information technology project management by checking out this article.

Construction Projection Report Template

Construction Project Report Template

Download Construction Project Written report Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Docs

Effective reporting is a central factor in the overall success of a construction project. This pre-built construction project report template includes all major day-to-mean solar day project details, similar daily progress, materials and equipment used, number of workers and work hours performed on site, progress obstructions, and official visitors. Additionally, the template includes space for the inspector to sign off on the report in society to ensure overall projection compliance. For a wide variety of costless structure management templates to download, visit this page.

Executive Project Report Template

Executive Project Report Template

Download Executive Project Report Template

Word | PDF

An executive project report is a high-level view of the project that highlights progress, without getting into the granular details of the project. Use this customizable executive project report template to communicate the essential elements of the project, including cardinal milestones, accomplishments, risks, issues, financial overview, and project requirements.

Final Project Report Template

Download Terminal Project Report Template

Word | PDF

The purpose of the final project report is to briefly and clearly summarize the outcomes of a completed project. This final projection report template contains a table of contents, as well every bit space for names and roles of team members, project summary, scope, costs, risks, communication strategies, learning outcomes, top-level project performance details, and more.

Project Report Template for Teams or Departments

Project Report for Teams and Departments Template

Download Project Report Template for Teams or Departments

Excel | Discussion | PDF

Teams or departments tin can utilize this projection written report to communicate the status of project activities: That is, they tin can indicate whether they accept completed an activeness or whether an activity is still in progress. Use this template to track primal tasks, team members involved, deadlines, progress scores, issues needing attention, and other project developments to ensure teams or departments account for and consummate assignments on schedule.

Project Report for Stakeholders and Partners

Project Report for Stakeholders and Partners Template

Download Project Report for Stakeholders and Partners

Excel | Give-and-take | PDF

Use this project report is to provide cardinal stakeholders and partners with loftier-level visibility into a project's overall operation. Briefly summarize progress, project deliverables, start and end dates, outputs, and other major project details to proceed stakeholders upwardly to engagement on current project happenings.

Project Postmortem Written report Template

Project Post Mortem Report Template

Download Project Mail service-Mortem Report Template

Excel | Word | PDF

This customizable project postmortem study template should be completed every bit a workshop comprised of central team members within a calendar week of terminal the project work. This report highlights project details, such as accomplishments, problem areas, lessons learned, and more to facilitate the procedure of analyzing the operation of all the project's elements. Once you've completed this template, the project sponsor should sign off on it to formally shut out the project.

Tips on Writing a Project Study

Whether you lot're a seasoned projection manager or only learning the ropes, having a basic understanding of how to write a thorough written report for a wide range of stakeholders is crucial.  From preparing a projection status report to a postmortem report, the following tips volition help ensure that your project report is serving its purpose and delivering value to the reader.

  • Know Your Audience: The blazon and depth of information you communicate in a report will depend on the nature of your audition. For instance, managers and clients may have a better understanding of the concepts and terminology involved in a projection than do stakeholders and other personnel. Effective project reporting, therefore, requires using the appropriate tone and phraseology and knowing when to share high-level versus granular projection details.
  • Give Structure to Your Study: Once you've identified your audience and which components of the project to communicate, organize the segments of the written report and so the data makes sense and is helpful to the reader. For example, you should place project identification and background details near the beginning of the study; identify summarizing details most the end.
  • Just Provide Facts: The study should remain objective and free from personal bias, regardless of whether the project is declining or performing successfully. If an opinion is needed, information technology should be labeled clearly and placed in a carve up segment of the study. Additionally, the charts, metrics, and other performance information you present in the report should be accurate and up to date so that such information is credible and meaningful to the reader.
  • Utilize a Template: Save time building out your study past using a customizable template to get you started. Templates are benign for standardizing processes, and y'all can easily adapt them to fit your needs. Use the free templates provided in a higher place for your reporting needs, and and then check out this commodity for more project management templates.
  • Utilise an Online Reporting Tool: Keeping a project'southward development aligned with business goals is the basis of project management, and the success or failure of a project can greatly depend on the tools you use. Utilize an online tool that displays data in unlike ways (e.thousand., Kanban boards, Gantt views, and dashboards), shows the real-time status of multiple projects, provides diverse permission levels, and allows y'all to prepare recurring reports (such tools can automatically email these recurring reports at a set frequency to designated stakeholders, which allows project managers to shift their focus to other critical project matters).

Experts share their height tips for keeping projects on track.

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